Friday, February 8, 2013

Half-Crazy Update

Well, I didn't beat my PB - my time was 2:49:00.  Not sure what caused the 8 minute drop; I actually felt stronger, and according to Strava I spent a lot of the 13 miles at an 11-minute mile pace.  Oh well, at least I got a medal.
Me after the race
Around Mile 10 I had a realization: I don't like running long distances, not this long anyway. 10K is my favorite distance, I think. Also, all the focus for the past month on training for the Half has made me miss being on my bike. I took most of this week off to recover (it looks like I'll lose a toenail), with just one day of cross training/walking. Today I'm back on my bike, and with the weather getting warmer it's time to start swimming.

P.S. The night before the Half Marathon, I had a nightmare that I got to the Triathlon and forgot my bike!  How funny is that?

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