Thursday, February 14, 2013


I attended an orientation session at the YMCA for their Triathlon Club.  Cost aside (over $300!), it is a huge time commitment.  There is a training session every Saturday for 17 weeks, along with twice per week workouts on cycling/core strength and swimming. This is on top of the workouts I’m supposed to do on my own. Halfway through this orientation I’m almost hyperventilating, trying to calculate in my mind how I’m going to explain all of this to my husband (who just got me back after 12 weeks of Half Marathon training). A co-worker was there with me, nodding encouragement the whole time.  He’s done this training before, is familiar with the coaches, and insists I’ll love this group.  They look like nice enough people...

After the session is over, I grab an application and bolt out to my car. A bunch of people were going to go on a short run after the session, but instead of running with them, I ran a bunch of excuses through my head at an aerobic pace: “OMG the cost! The TIME! This is crazy. Is it even worth it? I can probably do a tri all by myself, right? Shit, I  have no idea how to swim efficiently. I could probably do it without training, worst case I drown, best case I’m not doing it right. Isn’t this process about facing challenges? But OMG the COST! The Time! [Repeat ad infinitum]

After a good night’s sleep I talked it through with my husband, and it wasn’t such a crisis after all. As usual, he was very supportive, even if it means I’ll be away every Saturday morning for the next 17 weeks.  I’m now a member of the Y, and I officially start training this weekend.

If life begins outside your comfort zone, I’m definitely living it up right now!

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