Saturday, February 2, 2013

13.1 Miles - Because I’m Only Half Crazy!

Tomorrow is the 30th annual Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Half Marathon and 5K Fun Run in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. In 2006 I ran my first 5k there, and by 2010 I decided to give the Half Marathon a try.  This will be my 4th year running 13.1 miles on Superbowl Sunday. Never in my life did I think I’d find that fun (and honestly, somewhere around mile 9 I’ll be thinking “why god WHY?”).  

I’m writing about the half marathon this week because it is where my training is focused right now.  After February 3, 2012 I can start to integrate swimming into the mix.  Right now, though, it’s all about putting one foot in front of the other, and avoiding blisters, sprains or strains. My co-workers have been coughing for the past week, and for the most part I've avoided picking up their germs. But yesterday I ended up staying home and hammering Theraflu and orange juice in an attempt to stop a cold before it started.
A wise person once said “if you can do half the distance before the event, you’ll be fine.” I’ve found that to be pretty much true. There is a magical thing that happens at the starting line: adrenaline will kick in. The energy of the crowd helps provide momentum and as long as you’ve prepped at least part way you’ll be fine.  At least that’s what I keep telling myself. I’m focusing on beating my personal best time of 2:41:47; which is a 12:23 min/mile pace.  I may not be fast, but I’m constant. I'll let you know how I do tomorrow.

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